
Archive for March, 2011

New released Lync 2010 cumulative updates and fixes

March 31st, 2011 No comments


These are the new released Lync 2010 cumulative updates and fixes:


Categories: Lync 2010 Tags:

Enable domain or enterprise admins for Lync 2010

March 21st, 2011 No comments


If you can’t add domain or enterprise admins, there is a workaround for this!

Turn on advanced features in AD and go to the users security tab.

Normally you should create another (second) user for using LYNC for all admins, but if you really need this, do it this way.

Mark include inheritablepermissions from the object’s parent.

Click OK.


Categories: Lync 2010 Tags:


March 21st, 2011 No comments


If you allready have a CMS installed in your domain you can remove the old CMS by entering the following command in the lync powershell: remove-csconfigurationstore.

This command will actually remove the service control point in Active Directory that points to your Central Management Store.

When you perform Remove-CSconfigurationStoreLocation the reference is deleted from active directory.

To completely remove references to old topology objects, you will also need to remove some additional entries using ADSI Edit.


Categories: Lync 2010 Tags:

Configure Lync communicator client policy error by importing the adm file

March 21st, 2011 No comments


Configure Lync communicator client policy error by importing the adm file.

This is a bug in the adm file. Open the adm file with notepad and change the next values:
PolicyGalUseCompactDeltaFile=”Use Compact Delta File for GAL”
ExplainText_GalUseCompactDeltaFile= “This policy allows Microsoft Lync to use compact delta file for GAL.”
GalUseCompactDeltaFileVal0=”Do not use compact delta file”
GalUseCompactDeltaFileVal1=”Use compact delta file (default)”
GalUseCompactDeltaFileVal2=”Use compact data file, but do not issue an LDAP query to retrieve the ‘Title’ and ‘Office’ attribute from AD.”

After these changes the adm file works fine.


Categories: Lync 2010 Tags:

Allowing outgoing FTP behind Forefront TMG

March 16th, 2011 No comments


One of the issues I faced this week at one of my customers, was the configuration to allow outgoing FTP behind a Forefront TMG proxy.

Owkay, this one’s easy I thought… not so !!

At first, I started with the “well-known” parameters to configure, as it was the case for ISA 2006

a) create an Access Rule to allow FTP from internal to external, all users

b) right-click this rule, “configure FTP” and de-select “read only”

c) Go to the System topic in the left, Application Filters, FTP application filter, select “allow active FTP”


however, with these settings alone, it did still not work; not from browser, FTP client (eg Filezilla) or command prompt.


Finally, Microsoft support forum guided me in the right direction : To allow this “complicated bi-directional traffic passing through the TMG firewall layer”, you should install the Forefront TMG Client, which can be downloaded from here:


Next / Next / Finish + reboot PC (not required, though recommended by MS)

enter in the TMG server in the settings tab (I will post a new article on how to make the “automatically detect” work, restart the FTP client and see it all working Smile



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